Monday, 23 April 2012

Chariter 90

Chritar Ninety Tale of Deepkala

This chitar is very basic and very common in todays blind world of lust and againta. I am preaty sure if you are born in a village in punjab, you must of heard or seen such situaions which Guru Shaib Ji explained below. So below I will do a brief explantion, with lords blessings, and try to clear the doubts which are raised by fools.

In the city of Etawa, there lived a goldsmith, Who had been endowed with most handsome body.(1)

Any woman, who attained, even, a glimpse of him, would consider herself to be blissful. ‘There is none like you,’ they would say and be prepared to die for him

There used to live a princess named Deepkala. She was very affluent and had many maids to attend her.(3) She sent one of her maids and called over the goldsmith

(Note – The main show case here is the attraction, which triggers the desire and the lust is formed, according to Scholars, there are many types of lusts, for eg. Lust for Sex, Money, Knoweldge, Power, Drugs, Family, Pleasure. In this case the example of Sexual Lust (Desire).

She ravished with him and felt blissful.(4) Every night and day, she would invite him to her house and with him enjoyed by making love.(5) One day when he was at her house, her father came to her quarters. She could think no excuse, put eye-lasher in his eyes (disguised him as woman) and let him go.

Unduly foolish father could not discern the secret, And the woman putting eye-lasher bid good-bye to her lover.

( Note – This has been in the world right from the start, men and women doing wrong deeds at night, even at the time of Guru shaib, and before that as well, and even now in our villages, to fufill lust and sexual desire such things happen. But the result is very bad, sometime even death if caugth. But in this case the womens character is very clever she plays a good trick to fool her father and also get away making ilegal love with her lover. The father being of a simple man failed to understand the dirty trick. This chariter gives a worldly advise to keep a strict eye on your kids as sometimes they may take an advantage of your trust and ruin their whole life. So be a smart parent and look after your kids well.

Psychological meaning of this chariter :
women = Intellect
goldsmith = Desire
father = Order

Now intellect should stay under one order, ie the order of her father. Now intellect knows that she wants to fulfil her desire. She knows that it is wrong and she is going against the order to satisfy the desire. Now when checked by order, she tries to deceive order by playing a dirty trick. and because the order is not strong and listen to the intellect rather than keeping a strict eye on intellect, order fails

Ninetieth Parable of Auspicious Chritars Conversation of the Raja and the Minister, Completed with Benediction. (90)(1567) To be continued

Jagdeep gurpartap singh
Dr. Kawaljit Singh